Nov 11, 2020
Ice-creams have a tendency to make everything better. A social gathering with friends or family, a brunch, lunch or dinner outing at your favourite restaurant, simple daily meals taken at home, a first date, a casual outing at the beachfront or a trek to the top of that hill; ice-creams are that one dessert that give a happy ending to all of these, and more. Ice-creams have a natural essence that makes moments sweet and lifts up your mood whenever you feel a little low. And then, no meal or outing is ever complete without a dessert, isn’t it?
Many a time, people associate eating ice-creams with summers. Many believe that ice-creams help in beating the heat and lowering the body temperature and thus, are a dessert to be eaten only during the summers. Some even feel that having ice-creams during winters or monsoons will result in sore throat or cold as the temperature outside is already low! However, these are all mere myths that need to be busted.
Just like any other regular food or dessert items, ice-creams do not have a particular season or particular time associated with them. You can have an ice-cream at breakfast, at brunch, as snacks, or at dinner – whenever you like, and the way you like. In fact, some studies also show that having a scoop of ice-cream also treats sore throat as its cooling properties help in calming down the soreness; and don’t we all remember the dentist we visited when we were young? Whenever the dentist extracted a tooth, they advised us to have an ice-cream after a couple of hours to ease out the extraction pain.
Thus, it’s best to not believe in anything anyone says. Ice-creams are for everyone and for all seasons and certainly not limited to a particular age-group or just summers!
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